TMX428CP Features & Specs:
The TMX428CP can be operated in diagnostic mode (interfaced with a stress computer) or non-interfaced, independent mode. When the interface is active, only the emergency stop buttons on the controller are enabled. Once the computer program is closed, the controller reverts to full functionality.
In manual mode, the large, bright display shows Speed, Pace, Elapsed Time, Elevation, Distance, Calories, METS, Heart Rate and Target Heart Rate (user defined). Calculations are determined by ACSM formulas based on user weight, age and gender.
In pre-programmed or user programmable mode, the display will prompt the user to enter required data and will graphically display progress in the mode selected. If fitness or user defined modes are selected, elevation and speed can be adjusted when in use; the stress protocols cannot be adjusted.
■ Displays include:
- Protocol/workout name
- Stage number
- Stage time countdown
- Speed (mph/kph)
- Pace (minutes/mile or km)
- Distance (miles or km)
- METS, total calories
- Elevation
- Body weight, age, gender input
- Elapsed time
■ Message center:
- Displays customized information
- Prompts unfamiliar users
- Quick programming inputs
- Diagnostic log, hour meter
■ Additional Features:
- Two built-in accessory holders
- 5 preprogrammed medical protocols
- 5 preprogrammed fitness workouts
- 5 user programmable workouts, 10 stages each
- Dual stop switches and safety tether
- Calories/METS based on user weight, age, gender
- Quick start, speed, elevation commands
- Cool down command